Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Message from a fat woman

Dear Burda Style,
     I love you, I really do. I love that you provide so many lessons for a beginning and not so beginning sewer to learn from. I love your profiles of sewers.  However sew alongs and free patterns are no fun if you don't offer things in larger sizes.
     The World Health Organization in 2008 said 1.5 billion adults were overweight. Thats billion, not million, billion.  Now I know all the lectures trust me. I've heard every one; from the snide kid on the playground to the doctor I pay a bloody fortune to see. In the mean time I'd sort of like to not look like a walking sofa or a Hawaiian print shirt gone mad. In order to do that I need to learn how to sew. If I just want to look at skinny folks, smile wistfully and feel kind of vaguely nauseous about my weight I can buy a Vogue magazine.
To see where I got the obesity facts and for more horribly depressing facts go here: http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs311/en/index.html

As fragile as smoke...

     In the last week of February 2011 my parents’ house burned down.